Who I help
Not sure if I can help you? Have a read through this list and if anything resonates, get in touch. I would love to hear from you.
Your feet hurt
You are dealing with ongoing foot issues that won’t resolve and all told they are affecting your quality of life. You’ve tried the conventional methods, you’ve worn the orthotics and done the exercises and you’re losing the will to live! You know there’s more to it but you can’t figure out what to do next.
You are curious about how your body works
You love the human body and are interested in prevention or prehab. You want to take responsibility for your own physical health and learn how to self assess and take the necessary action to avoid debilitating issues.
You want to lay the foundations for movement longevity
There are big moves and then their are the smaller moves that make up the big moves. You appreciate that a detail oriented approach to movement will reveal your movement blind spots and the weaknesses in your own body. You enjoy mindful intentional movement.
You love walking
You love walking but are beginning to notice more frequent niggles in your feet, knees, hips or other body part. You want to be able continue to enjoy walking, doing the things you love and moving well for the rest of your life.
You exercise
You love exercise but you’re getting frustrated because you have started to experience more injuries.
You want to age better
You are more interested in maintaining your body’s biological functions than in what your body looks like. You love being outside and want to be able to continue to move well for life. You would like to get out into nature more, go hiking, climb some hills and maybe some mountains and want a body resilient enough to do all the things!
Move Your DNA
Maybe you’ve heard of Katy Bowman or read one of her many books such as Move Your DNA and want help with the exercises or insight into lifestyle changes.
“ The difference to my leg muscles is remarkable, and incidentally, knee pain is a thing of the past. Just goes to show how important correct form is.”