why i help
We live in a time where movement is optional and becoming more obsolete by the day. The necessity to move is disappearing right in front of our very eyes and we need to start paying attention. Exercise is great but it may not be giving us all that we think it is and often leads to injury in a body that has been mostly sedentary for many years. What if you don’t enjoy exercise as you understand it? There is another approach. What ails many of us might be resolved by re-introducing lost movement back into our daily lives.
I start with the feet because they are the foundation of our bodies and are perhaps the most overlooked body parts when it comes to our overall health right down to the cellular level. When you take the time to understand your feet and the role they playing in influencing what is stacked above them, it can be a catalyst for change and how you look at ageing in particular.
The current state of your feet is an indication of how well you will age. The strength and mobility of your feet will determine your ability to balance, walk well and get up and get down from the floor.
Your feet will influence the health of your knees, hips, pelvic floor and everything above. Our feet are an amazing piece of architecture and their infinite capacity for movement is dumbed down by the footwear we choose, the flat and level ground we walk on and the unprecedented sedentarism that is a feature of our daily lives.
I care about how you age, I want you to be able to move well for as long as possible. I want your world to expand as you age, not shrink. I’m sure you do too.